Monday, February 16, 2015

2015 Goals // Part One // So...It's Not January 1st

We're a month and a  half into this year. The year that once stood before us like newly fallen snow. Perfect. Untouched.

We've jumped in with both feet. Parts of this new year and still white and beautiful. But so much of my new year already looks like that left over snow on the side of the street after lots and lots of cars have driven through it. Nasty.

But it's never too late to sit down and stare at that newly fallen snow and declare goals and plans and dreams over your life.

So, it's not January 1st. So what? I have a vision and dreams and ambitions and goals for my life. And I don't want to spend another moment not working towards the life I actually want to live. And, for me, without tangible goals and action steps and great people to hold me accountable, I will end up spending too much of my life on things that just don't matter. I get sidetracked by things that seem important and lose sight of the big picture, of my big purpose.

Luckily, there is nothing special about January 1st. It is never too late to decide that you want to live your life on purpose.

While I missed out on the latest order of the Lara Casey PowerSheets (which I will be ordering as soon as they become available agin), I am centering my goal planning process around the process used in the PowerSheets, which Lara outlined on her blog at the beginning of the year.

Over the next two weeks I'll walk through what worked and what didn't in 2014, the lessons I learned from the things that did and didn't work, what fires me up, what I'm saying yes to and what I'm saying no to, and finally, proclaiming my goals and the action steps to reach those goals for this coming year.

If you want to join me in setting realistic and realizable goals for your life,

If you long to live on purpose, if you're tired of striving for perfect, and never quite measuring up, if you long for realistic and realizable goals for your life, join me. Let's make big things happen in our lives this year. Let's live our lives on purpose for The Purpose.

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