I believe having a mentor is so important. It's great to have a woman in your life who has walked your path before you, and is able to give advice and wisdom as you make decisions about your life. I am lucky enough to have two mentors: a professional mentor at work, and a spiritual/life mentor through church.
Did you know that in a mentor/mentee relationship, most of the responsibility actually falls on the mentee? The more effort you, as the mentee, put into the relationship, the more you'll be able to glean from your mentor. There are three questions I always like to have answered before I meet with either of my mentors:
What am I currently working on? - At work, this includes projects, professional goals, the status of my CPA license process. With my spiritual/life mentor, this includes personal goals, and areas of growth, as well as what's going on with me and the high schoolers I volunteer with.
What steps am I taking towards the things I'm working on? - For both of my mentors I think of measurable steps I'm taking towards achieving the various things I'm working towards. The key to answering this question is measurability. If you cannot measure your steps in someway, then you cannot track your progress. This either means you're not sure how to reach your goal, or your goals aren't specific enough. If it's the latter, make note of it as something to talk to your mentor about, she probably has an idea of how you can work towards the goal. It's important to write all your steps down so you don't forget when you go to meet with your mentor!
How can my mentor help? - Again, for both of my mentors I look at the goals I'm working towards, what steps I'm taking to reach the goals, and see what holes they can help fill in, or what progress reports I need to be giving so that I'm held accountable for my goals. Sometimes you just need your mentor to be a cheerleader in your corner, other times you might need her to facilitate your work towards your goal.
At the bare minimum, taking the time to answer these questions before meeting with your mentor communicates to your mentor that you value her time, take your relationship with her seriously, and want her input and advice in your life. Remember, your mentor volunteered to give up her time, and genuinely wants to invest in your life!
Jenn my dear, you are a gift from God to me! I'm incredibly blessed to be in your life and you are teaching me more than you can imagine! You are so wise beyond your years and God and I are your biggest cheerleaders! Love you sweet girl! Wish you were in Chicago with me now to go explore the city and just BE together! Love you girly! ♡ xoxoxox